Maekayla has also been working on her potty training this week. Wednesday and Thursday were big girl panty days! We didn't have any accidents until last night in the car. I am just praying that she keeps interest and doesn't get bored with it. She's getting so big! And so far today.........NO ACCIDENTS! She even peed at Target this morning. She said "Mommy, I go pee-pee", I said "You need to go?"............She said yes and off we RAN to the front of the store saying "I hold it, I hold it" the whole way. Well you know to keep the momentum up, we ended up doing our "Pee Pee Dance" in the extra large stall and then she announced to EVERYONE as we came out: "I pee pee in the big potty." She was so proud...........AND SO WAS I!! So we bought another pack of big girl panties and got some gold fish for a treat. Maekayla is the greatest, I just adore her!
Well I had to buy a new vaccuum this morning. My other one (5 years old) went on the fritz and never has recovered. I got a killer Bissell a Target and I hope it is as "mean" as it states on the box. I also got in a new shipment of purses today and then went over to the salon (Red Door, where we do our beauty at) and sold 3 of them.......not to shabby for a 10 minute trip less than a mile from the house. These are some of the new styles and colors for far!
Well, I have to put this vaccuum together so I can clean up the floor. PLUS we have a wedding rehearsal dinner tonight AND Tony is playing a softball tournament, PLUS I need to alter the dress I bought for tomorrow, just a little. AND I have to take up Mae's flowergirl dress like 3 inches on each side. Whew, being a stay at home woman is much harder than I thought..........But we did go swimming three days this week, so I can't complain too much.
And I worked out Mon, Tues, Thursday and am going in the morning.........2 snaps for me!!! Maybe even 3!
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