Friday, June 27, 2008

Today is Friday

Friday for most people is a great day! With the weekend ahead full of fun filled family activities! HOWEVER, for me this means I have to work tomorrow. I love the two other girls I will be with tomorrow, but the general public can be trying sometimes. Not to mention the fact that they are already sick when they get to the hospital, they really don't like us asking for money. (I work in registration.)

But since I put in my notice, my weekend is looking bright though...........It is one of the last two I will be working! The next time I call family and say "What do you have going on tomorrow?", it will be so I can then say "Would you like to go hang out?". WHOO-HOO!!! I can hardly wait! My family will be so happy to be able to see me again.........I hope! They will love me coming to visit and STAY instead of dropping the baby and running out the door. On the flip side, it will be easier to find a babysitter when me and Tony want to go out. I think I might take my hubby on a real date! Although because of his CRAZY hectic work ethic, I won't be able to "plan" it in advance. I think I will just decide where to take him for dinner and gather movie times for the week, put a babysitter on stand-by and then wait. But ssshhhh......don't tell him, it's a surprise!

Well, it is almost 9pm. Maekayla has just dumped 100 crayons into the floor, and now 3 puzzles, and emptied out her bucket of construction paper.............need to clean up, pack her bag for Nona's house, finish the laundry so I have clothes to wear and I have to finish a baby gift for a customer at work (actually 3 gifts, apparently she knows a lot of fertile people). Speaking of fertile, I hope I still am even though I have only 1 egg factory. I would LOVE to have another little munchkin soon.......although my hubby has to be at home long enough for us to mix some ingredients up to grow one.

So, this ends yet another great week at home being mommy to the greatest little angel on earth.......good night gorgeous!

P.S. This pic is a couple months old, we gave up the paci 3 months ago! But she looks so sweet with her little hands all folded up......

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My project for the day........

My sister needed a quick baby gift, so I whipped this up for her tonight. Thought I would share with you......

This is what Maekayla did while I was sewing......she is such her own little diva!

What a great day!

Laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, toilet cleaning, vaccuuming, dusting, water flowers, clean out pantry and fridge (to make room for new groceries), mop kitchen, make beds...........needless to say we didn't make it to the pool yesterday! However, I did find one major perk in my day.....I got to watch this little angel be still and quiet.

I couldn't help but take the picture, so I can cherish her quitness for a bit longer than an hour. She is so sweet! She makes everything in my life worthwhile. I don't know what I ever did before I was a mommy. It is the greatest, low paying job ever! But being paid in kisses is still okay with me!

It makes me wonder how some parents can abuse, beat, mistreat and ignore thier children. Trust me, mine can throw a temper tantrum with the best of them, BUT I would never and could never mistreat her. It is just amazing to me to see the mom in the store who has no patience just because the child is talking to her. Don't get me wrong, there are times when I wish Maekayla would just sit there and be silent.........yeah, I usually wait for her to go to sleep before I expect her to be quiet. She generally talks from the time she opens her eyes until she closes them back.

I always look forward to what she will say or do next. For example, we DID make it to the Y to swim today. While we were in the water paddling around, she remembered that I have "Boobies". So she announced to the person next to us, "Mommies boobies". The lady laughed. So Mae proceeded with, "This my boobies". The lady laughed again............"You got boobies?" The lady was cracking up and I was embarressed. I am a bit nervous to see where we go from here...........She already announces her "I pee pee", "I poo poo", "my tooty", "my booty" and now boobies. What a fabulous way to spend my day!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Quit my day job......

So, I quit my day job yesterday...........or at least put in my 2 weeks notice. What an overpowering feeling! I have been working since I was 14! I remember my first job (Arby's in the local mall) very vividly. I have tried it all and done it all. I seem to get bored very easily, which my mom says is because I am so "creative" that I just can't sit still.

My hubby has started his own heating and cooling business less than a year ago. He works like a horse and is hardly home at all anymore. It is difficult to keep badgering family to watch Mae when I have to work weekends. So.........................we decided that I would be better off at home, being mommy, wife, gardener, maid, cook, secretary for the business, friend, lover, confidant, errand runner, note taker, appointment maker...............WAIT why did I quit my job???? There I only did 1 job, now I suddenly have been hired for 20 jobs and not much pay! What am I getting myself into???????? I LOVE being a mommy, it is by far the greatest job I have ever had! Plus being paid in KISSES and HUGS is a nice little perk! My little girl is my best bud and we have so much fun!

Today we are going to the grocery store, clean up the house a bit, fold some laundry, I have 2 orders to get in the mail, clean the bathroom.............WHY did I quit my job? OH that's right, later this morning, we are going to the POOL at the Y! What a rough afternoon we will have swimming and playing! Then I guess we will finish the afternoon back at home: Mae napping and me pulling weeds in the flower bed.

Somehow, I guess we will survive! Oh what fun this is going to be............I think, hope and pray!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My first post.........

So, I had origianally started a blog but I lost it somewhere in the vast world of internet space. I had a really great first entry, but it was the only one! I cannot find it and wish I could because it was a great first entry. But since only my mother ever read it..............this is my new "first entry".

I keep looking at other people's blogs and thinking "I can do that!". And why not, I love to talk, so it can't be much different than typing it??? Only thing is that my fingers dont move as fast as my mouth does................however, this is a great way to vent frustration when my 2 year old is making me crazy.

She is the greatest thing I have ever been blessed with, still makes me crazy but it is worth it! I am still trying to figure out why I want two more! My hubby says I am crazy, but I told him he wouldn't have to do much so it shouldn't be that big a deal to him. He works 60 hours a week as it is, so I am on my own most of the time anyways. He has his own heating and cooling business. We are staying very busy this time of is so HOT here!
Oddly enough though, we went to the "Y" to go swimming today. Mae informed me that it was too cold and we needed to leave. I felt so blessed she said that. It was freezing! I don't know why either. It has been so stinking hot here lately, a lighter day was better!
I pray to write every other day but 1-2 times a week seems so much more attainable at this point.
I guess we will see.