Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Quit my day job......

So, I quit my day job yesterday...........or at least put in my 2 weeks notice. What an overpowering feeling! I have been working since I was 14! I remember my first job (Arby's in the local mall) very vividly. I have tried it all and done it all. I seem to get bored very easily, which my mom says is because I am so "creative" that I just can't sit still.

My hubby has started his own heating and cooling business less than a year ago. He works like a horse and is hardly home at all anymore. It is difficult to keep badgering family to watch Mae when I have to work weekends. So.........................we decided that I would be better off at home, being mommy, wife, gardener, maid, cook, secretary for the business, friend, lover, confidant, errand runner, note taker, appointment maker...............WAIT why did I quit my job???? There I only did 1 job, now I suddenly have been hired for 20 jobs and not much pay! What am I getting myself into???????? I LOVE being a mommy, it is by far the greatest job I have ever had! Plus being paid in KISSES and HUGS is a nice little perk! My little girl is my best bud and we have so much fun!

Today we are going to the grocery store, clean up the house a bit, fold some laundry, I have 2 orders to get in the mail, clean the bathroom.............WHY did I quit my job? OH that's right, later this morning, we are going to the POOL at the Y! What a rough afternoon we will have swimming and playing! Then I guess we will finish the afternoon back at home: Mae napping and me pulling weeds in the flower bed.

Somehow, I guess we will survive! Oh what fun this is going to be............I think, hope and pray!

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