Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What a great day!

Laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, toilet cleaning, vaccuuming, dusting, water flowers, clean out pantry and fridge (to make room for new groceries), mop kitchen, make beds...........needless to say we didn't make it to the pool yesterday! However, I did find one major perk in my day.....I got to watch this little angel be still and quiet.

I couldn't help but take the picture, so I can cherish her quitness for a bit longer than an hour. She is so sweet! She makes everything in my life worthwhile. I don't know what I ever did before I was a mommy. It is the greatest, low paying job ever! But being paid in kisses is still okay with me!

It makes me wonder how some parents can abuse, beat, mistreat and ignore thier children. Trust me, mine can throw a temper tantrum with the best of them, BUT I would never and could never mistreat her. It is just amazing to me to see the mom in the store who has no patience just because the child is talking to her. Don't get me wrong, there are times when I wish Maekayla would just sit there and be silent.........yeah, I usually wait for her to go to sleep before I expect her to be quiet. She generally talks from the time she opens her eyes until she closes them back.

I always look forward to what she will say or do next. For example, we DID make it to the Y to swim today. While we were in the water paddling around, she remembered that I have "Boobies". So she announced to the person next to us, "Mommies boobies". The lady laughed. So Mae proceeded with, "This my boobies". The lady laughed again............"You got boobies?" The lady was cracking up and I was embarressed. I am a bit nervous to see where we go from here...........She already announces her "I pee pee", "I poo poo", "my tooty", "my booty" and now boobies. What a fabulous way to spend my day!

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