Friday, January 23, 2009

Organizing for the New Year!

Okay, so I have been out of the "blogging" loop for two weeks now........that's because in my mission to get my home clean and organized I found a great website and became addicted! It's and they have the greatest ideas, solutions and game plans to get you cleaned up BEFORE spring! The theroy is that who wants to be inside cleaning once the weather turns warm and nice??? So get your yearly spring cleaning done now, while it's too cold to go outside! What a thought! There is a "challenge" on there to get you organized doing one room a week......I have found that doing 2 rooms a week is not hard to accomplish. I personally went through the website, read everything and then went room by room and made lists for each room of what to do.......I ended up with a full page for each room! I have since accomplished the laundry room, kitchen, dining room, hallway and hall closet......all in two weeks time! I have 3 boxes of yard sale items already!! Today we are tackling the living room! I have even pulled out appliances and swept and mopped behind YOU know what's under your stove??? I didn't ever really think about I will do it AT LEAST once a year! How about those baseboards....ever get down on all four with a hot washrag and some pinesol and scrub those?? I never have....I will now! Here's what I found under my stove and here's my freshly cleaned out and organized pantry......YOU MUST CHECK EXPIRATION DATES WHEN CLEANING THIS OUT! I am a freak when it comes to those!
Get organized! It feels GREAT! Plus once I did the first room, it made me want to do more!!! Have fun!

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