Monday, January 26, 2009


Went to the doctor today....I am 31 weeks pregnant based on a due date of March 30. I had an ultrasound done last Tuesday and Dr. B shared the results of that test with me today. The ultrasound does a "measurement" of Logan's gestational age. His gestational age should be between 39-42 weeks when he is delivered.....just FYI. So they estimated his gestational age (last week) to be 33 weeks 5 days. HOWEVER, last Tuesday I was only 30 weeks 1 day. Now, the test can go two weeks in either direction as it is not completely that means I could be anywhere from 31 weeks 5 days to 35 weeks 5 days!!!! Either way that puts me more preggo than I thought! Also, my belly has been measuring further along than I "should be". 3 Weeks ago I measured at 32 weeks and now I am measuring at 35 weeks. The 35 week belly measurement is pretty consistent with the ultrasound guessing I am now 34 weeks 5 days. SO, maybe he will be a February Baby instead of March??? We will see! I don't want anyone to think I am rushing this........Lord knows I am going to have my hands FULL once this little prince arrives......BUT it is getting harder to sleep at night, more uncomfortable to sit with my feet up for long periods of time, yet my poor belly is getting "too heavy to hold" while walking for long times........also did I mention the heartburn, indigestion and the KICKING! I LOVE being pregnant though! It's an awesome feeling to know I am growing this glorious little man inside me that will be with us very soon! He is going to be the perfect addition to our family and we can't wait to meet him!!! I know God will give him to us when He is ready for us to have him! Tick, tock, tick tock...............we will see!

My current guess: March 17---8 lbs 3 oz---22 inches long

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