Went to the doctor today....I am 31 weeks pregnant based on a due date of March 30. I had an ultrasound done last Tuesday and Dr. B shared the results of that test with me today. The ultrasound does a "measurement" of Logan's gestational age. His gestational age should be between 39-42 weeks when he is delivered.....just FYI. So they estimated his gestational age (last week) to be 33 weeks 5 days. HOWEVER, last Tuesday I was only 30 weeks 1 day. Now, the test can go two weeks in either direction as it is not completely acurate....so that means I could be anywhere from 31 weeks 5 days to 35 weeks 5 days!!!! Either way that puts me more preggo than I thought! Also, my belly has been measuring further along than I "should be". 3 Weeks ago I measured at 32 weeks and now I am measuring at 35 weeks. The 35 week belly measurement is pretty consistent with the ultrasound guessing I am now 34 weeks 5 days. SO, maybe he will be a February Baby instead of March??? We will see! I don't want anyone to think I am rushing this........Lord knows I am going to have my hands FULL once this little prince arrives......BUT it is getting harder to sleep at night, more uncomfortable to sit with my feet up for long periods of time, yet my poor belly is getting "too heavy to hold" while walking for long times........also did I mention the heartburn, indigestion and the KICKING! I LOVE being pregnant though! It's an awesome feeling to know I am growing this glorious little man inside me that will be with us very soon! He is going to be the perfect addition to our family and we can't wait to meet him!!! I know God will give him to us when He is ready for us to have him! Tick, tock, tick tock...............we will see!
My current guess: March 17---8 lbs 3 oz---22 inches long
Monday, January 26, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
30 weeks preggo.....
This will change your life!
This will change your life I promise! You have to get to the last 10-12 minutes of it to really "get it".........take 40 minutes and you will never be the same!
This will change your life I promise! You have to get to the last 10-12 minutes of it to really "get it".........take 40 minutes and you will never be the same!
Organizing for the New Year!
Okay, so I have been out of the "blogging" loop for two weeks now........that's because in my mission to get my home clean and organized I found a great website and became addicted! It's http://www.organizedhome.com/ and they have the greatest ideas, solutions and game plans to get you cleaned up BEFORE spring! The theroy is that who wants to be inside cleaning once the weather turns warm and nice??? So get your yearly spring cleaning done now, while it's too cold to go outside! What a thought! There is a "challenge" on there to get you organized doing one room a week......I have found that doing 2 rooms a week is not hard to accomplish. I personally went through the website, read everything and then went room by room and made lists for each room of what to do.......I ended up with a full page for each room! I have since accomplished the laundry room, kitchen, dining room, hallway and hall closet......all in two weeks time! I have 3 boxes of yard sale items already!! Today we are tackling the living room! I have even pulled out appliances and swept and mopped behind them.......do YOU know what's under your stove??? I didn't ever really think about it......now I will do it AT LEAST once a year! How about those baseboards....ever get down on all four with a hot washrag and some pinesol and scrub those?? I never have....I will now! Here's what I found under my stove and here's my freshly cleaned out and organized pantry......YOU MUST CHECK EXPIRATION DATES WHEN CLEANING THIS OUT! I am a freak when it comes to those!
Get organized! It feels GREAT! Plus once I did the first room, it made me want to do more!!! Have fun!
Monday, January 12, 2009
New Year's Resolution.....
So, I told myself this year that I wasn't going to make a NYR (New Year Resolution) because they are only kept maybe 10% of the time.........and why subject myself to almost guaranteed failure??? The last Sunday of 2008, Brother David discussed NYR's and what the top 10 are and that the greatest NYR anyone should have is to be nicer to people. That is something we strive to do no matter what. Well after the sermon, I got to thinking and then my thinking turned into movements and actions and well let's just say I am a bit exhausted now....... I decided that instead of making NYR I am going to make GCMLD's........"God changed my life decisions".
So I got on a kick and got my house cleaned up........and I don't mean the typical cleaning the house and putting away the clothes and toys. I mean I literally started to clean anything I saw that may have a speck of dirt on it. Now I know some people may call that "nesting", I call it exhausting! I went on like that for 2 days! Maekayla was even helping me, I think we may have even wiped somethings twice! ;0) Since then I have devoted at least an hour each morning and an hour each afternoon to picking up "stuff" and cleaning something. Oprah says your house is a reflection of your life......."If you have a chaotic house, you will have a chaotic life.......have a clean house and things seem to be more easy going when you leave it".........she says it does a work on your attitude. Well, anyhow......I believe that now! Since getting the house cleaned....and keeping it clean daily! I have noticed I feel more light (which is saying a ton at 30 weeks preggo!). I also made Tony sit down with me for over 3 hours to get our year end stuff together for 2008 taxes and get our business organized for the year ahead. We set up a new filing system, came up with some "rules and regulations" for making sure things get done in the "office" and also worked out an arrangement for who is responsible for what with everything business related. It seems so far to be going very well. Tony is still adjusting to having some rules with being self-employed but I told him he is kind of employed by his family because we count on him to be successful. From there.........we had to define success for him. Success in my opinion is that our monthly bills get paid, we get to eat and go out on occassion. If we can do that and I get to stay home and raise my children.........we are WAY more than successful, we are BLESSED! Tony has been holding us together for almost 6 months now and although times get tough........we make it through TOGETHER! We are to set our sights on things NOT of this world anyways as they will not last.......BUT to set them on things that make God proud and to live in His word. I think we are doing a good job at that.
So house is cleaned, paperwork is organized and we are all getting closer each day because the drama of a "chaotic" life is diminshing. So what is the problem????? I am so EXHAUSTED! I feel like I have the energy of three 5 year olds when I wake up but by 8pm, I feel like an 80 year old woman! What in the world will I do when I have a newborn around needing me too! I am just praying that our new GCMLD's that we have implemented are here to make (and keep) life more simple and free. Obviously it has freed up some time......I have lunch plans with a girlfriend tomorrow, Bible study on Wednesday night and dinner with our friends across the street on Thursday...........
What will I do this weekend???????
Love to all!
So I got on a kick and got my house cleaned up........and I don't mean the typical cleaning the house and putting away the clothes and toys. I mean I literally started to clean anything I saw that may have a speck of dirt on it. Now I know some people may call that "nesting", I call it exhausting! I went on like that for 2 days! Maekayla was even helping me, I think we may have even wiped somethings twice! ;0) Since then I have devoted at least an hour each morning and an hour each afternoon to picking up "stuff" and cleaning something. Oprah says your house is a reflection of your life......."If you have a chaotic house, you will have a chaotic life.......have a clean house and things seem to be more easy going when you leave it".........she says it does a work on your attitude. Well, anyhow......I believe that now! Since getting the house cleaned....and keeping it clean daily! I have noticed I feel more light (which is saying a ton at 30 weeks preggo!). I also made Tony sit down with me for over 3 hours to get our year end stuff together for 2008 taxes and get our business organized for the year ahead. We set up a new filing system, came up with some "rules and regulations" for making sure things get done in the "office" and also worked out an arrangement for who is responsible for what with everything business related. It seems so far to be going very well. Tony is still adjusting to having some rules with being self-employed but I told him he is kind of employed by his family because we count on him to be successful. From there.........we had to define success for him. Success in my opinion is that our monthly bills get paid, we get to eat and go out on occassion. If we can do that and I get to stay home and raise my children.........we are WAY more than successful, we are BLESSED! Tony has been holding us together for almost 6 months now and although times get tough........we make it through TOGETHER! We are to set our sights on things NOT of this world anyways as they will not last.......BUT to set them on things that make God proud and to live in His word. I think we are doing a good job at that.
So house is cleaned, paperwork is organized and we are all getting closer each day because the drama of a "chaotic" life is diminshing. So what is the problem????? I am so EXHAUSTED! I feel like I have the energy of three 5 year olds when I wake up but by 8pm, I feel like an 80 year old woman! What in the world will I do when I have a newborn around needing me too! I am just praying that our new GCMLD's that we have implemented are here to make (and keep) life more simple and free. Obviously it has freed up some time......I have lunch plans with a girlfriend tomorrow, Bible study on Wednesday night and dinner with our friends across the street on Thursday...........
What will I do this weekend???????
Love to all!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I had a BUSY day!!!
I am trying to stay on top of projects and keep creative these last 10 weeks of this pregnancy. I'd say today was A GOOD DAY! I made a baby blanket, a baby burpie, a onesie with matching booties and a monkey!!! I am in the middle of a 2nd monkey but I am exhausted and ready to call it a day for today! Now I just have to decide if I am willing to part with my creations and sell them OR keep them for Logan........what's a girl to do???!!!
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