Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Maekayla!

Maekayla turned 3 on March 29th! She's growing up so fast! Happy Birthday Baby! Mommy loves you more than life itself!

Logan gets admitted to the hospital.....

I took Logan for his newborn check up on March 24th. He was looking a little "yellow" but nothing that caused concern for the doctor. I thought his eyes were golden so we agreed we should test his jaundice level to be safe. They said if I didn't hear from them with the results that night to just call in the morning. Well at midnight, the pediatrician called me and had me bring Logan straight down to the hospital to be admitted. I was so exhausted from no sleep anyways that it didn't really sink in until I saw them put him in the "billi bed" and tell me I couldn't hold him for the next 24 hours minimum! Then they said I couldn't breast feed so I will have to use a pump........AND Tony had been working 18 hour days so I left him at home sleeping with Maekayla and went on my own! Needless to say I had a nervous breakdown being there all alone and mentally drained! I did good to wait until that morning to start calling my family to let them know where I was. It was a long 36 hours.......28 of which I couldn't hold my new little man! I had to feed him, change him and love him in that bed, under those lights! It was heart breaking and seemed never ending to me!

Logan's Here!!!

On the night of Wednesday March 18. We had just finished watching the "American Idols Results Show"........when I thought I was having contractions again. I had been having them off and on for about a week so I didn't get too excited. At around 10PM I thought my water had broke, but wasn't really sure. My water never broke with Maekayla so this was all new to me since I was induced with her. After about 15 minutes of wondering about the water and the contractions......It became EXTREMELY apparent that I was definatley in labor! I couldn't even talk! My contractions were 2 minutes apart and were pretty much on top of each other with no rest in between. Tony scooped up Maekayla and we were off to the hospital. Tony drove like a maniac to get us there! He had on the flashers and was running red lights and every time he hit the gas or breaks......I was gushing fluids! Thank God I have leather in the Tahoe! Once we got to the hospital, Megan was already there to help us with Maekayla and to lend a loving hand of support! That girl is my ROCK! Maekayla was wide awake at this point! I was dialated to 3 on Tuesday at my doctor's 11:30 when they checked me I was at 5. I was praying and begging for my epidural at that point. Once you hit 7, there is no chance of pain control! I admire the women who go all natural.......BUT I am clearly not one of them! About 12:30 I finally got my drugs and upon "reinspection" they found I was completely dialated! This was HUGE for me because it took 12 hours to fully dialate with Maekayla! This was going much much smoother! I was very excited to have Maekayla be a part of this and she was a trooper and she stayed awake until about 3 am! I started pushing at 4! By 4:52, we had a beautiful baby boy! Another HUGE deal for me because Maekayla took 2 hrs 51 min to push out! Logan came much smoother! They did cut my epidural in half and so I felt what I was doing much better than with Maekayla......I really think that helped. Maekayla woke up just as logan was born and was very excited to see what was going on....... Her first reaction was " I think him is sad....I think him wants his mommy and him's daddy"--priceless! And so we became a family of 4!
Logan Malcolm born March 19, 2009 at 4:52 am. Weighing 8lbs 15oz and 21 1/2 inches long!
The New Ferguson Family!
Tony, Pamela, Maekayla and Logan!