Monday, July 21, 2008

Whew! What a weekend........

So we started off Saturday morning spending 45 minutes in the potty, trying to go potty. That was how long it took to convince Maekayla that it is okay to "poopy" in the potty. But we had success! yeah! Then it was off to Cheatham County for Tony's sister's wedding. Following the wedding was a reception but it was was a steaming 90 degrees! My legs were even glistening. LOL. From there we ventrued back to Hendersonville for Missy's birthday dinner. We had fresh peeled shrimp! YUMMY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISSY!

We stayed there until quite late and then came back home. Tony got up Sunday morning and him and Junior were off to work AGAIN! I headed out to ho in the flower beds! Between the heat, the sweat, the sore hands, the very tired whinning baby and my own exhaustion.......2 hours was all I could handle! However, I did accomplish a third of it. Then I did a little more about 8 pm last night when the sun was not so bright.

We have been cleaning house today and had lots of "potty" excitement as well. Maekayla is all about her potty training right now! She has only worn 1 diaper since last Wednesday! She doesn't want anything to do with them. She loves picking out her panties all by her self and she can even put them on by herself! Oh where has the time gone!!!!!! My little munchkin is growing up so fast! Time goes by so quickly! I know she will kill me one day for this picture, but I couldn't help myself!

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